Thursday 1 October 2009

wierd dreams...

two days ago a had a wierd dream...

I remember black skies, lightning all around me...somehow that time it was pj in the afternoon(wierd..). No idea why i'm loitering around the school..then i saw Vianne,(this is getting wierder..)

We greeted each other like we usually do and front of other people. Then i woke up.

Was i thinking to much of her lately...

Helping others/ Hurting myself

me being an aries always had a major problem, which is being too kind and softhearted. I'm juz someone who hardly resist friends (especially girls) request and easily forget what other's did wrong towards me.

Because me that, i'm alway being taken advantage by my friends. They are just like the type who 'use and throw' . Even though some of them isn't like what i said above, but they are trying to manipulate you like a puppet. They want you follow something they call 'advice' (sort of like a command) , but they can-t even listen to my advice.

I had experience enough backstabs frm daily life and i'm very, very sick of it. They like to use you and dump you after they gained what they want