Joining the Chinese poem competition was totally LOL, but it was a great experience.
I also got some great videos from the Chinese Singing competition on 3rd April.Here are some videos, 100% recorded by me!! I didn't steal it frm someone else!! Copyright Reserved To ANDREW CHEW ZIN XUNG!!
Oh yea...and the Prefects Camp too, it was a great experience too. Haha, some of my prefects friends were still too scared from their previous experience last year.I still remember the times in camp, can't forget it because upon the first day, i met someone who change my life, and something happened during jungle trecking. I accidently slipped and i kicked Choon Ying's butt. She like wanted to kill me. Till now...
Oh yea!! I almost forgot about it, its such a long time since i met someone with a warming smile,Chang Ung Yee <章文瑜> too bad she older than me. XD Just joking lah, i don't mean that. Everytime see her smile so warming...really love her smile,i so hoped that i had a sister like her. Haha
On the same day when camp ended <18/4/2009> i went to Tsung Tsin's Concert, i was already soooo tired but what to do, i bought the ticket already. Next day woke up early in the morning, heading to a residential area to do CHARITY WORK!!! Luckily i had some coffee in the morning or i'll faint. I was lucky to meet Chang Ung Yee there. Had fun going to house by house informing people about the free medical checkups in the Community Hall.
Then 31st of May, i helped out at the TzuChi near school, Great time selling Pizzas along there with Chang Ung Yee and Pawara. So fun to have friends there.
I realise that i'm getting real close with those form6 friends, especially Voo Shin Yun and Eleanor Shean, really felt hangin out with them。 Too bad Eleanor went to KL to further her studies at SEGi, but even so, we still keep in touch. That time when i get the news of she stoped form6 i was totally astonished. She stopped form6 and i didn't realise at all till i ask something via sms. So sad, din expect this was happening so fast...
As for Voo...spended most my time with her, every morning before perhimpunan you can see me at her class chatting, after school walking out together if we met, at home sms till midnight, morning greeted each other via sms too. We were so close, if want to say she's my GF, thats impossible, If want to say she's my sister, not possible because of her personality, macam I jadi her abang tu. XD
This year i was also trying to confess to someone real important, but no courage. Once i got enough courage, i had stomach ache
From the day i subscibed to Super SMS by digi, waliao
The best event of all, The MAJLIS PERPISHAHAN PENGAWAS, although i feel sad about it, But it was a great evening, everyone had a whale of time themselves.Although they had made arrangement of our seatings, but i didn't care about it (i believe i'm not the only one who changed place) I sat with the form6 prefects and hey! Its the first table, nice view....hehe~~~~Here are some photos from that night.Juz a few selected ones.

When the Pmr is crawling closer and closer, i guess everyone was busy studying all day.. but i was like more lazy than eveR!! I terus go to sleep when i reach home everyday, more sms rolling in everyday. Now thinking back about it i really want to cry liao, wasted those precious time.
Now Form3 is over...i am both happy and sad about it. Happy because I completed form3, sad because form5 and form6 friends are leaving. I won't Forget u guys for SURE!!!
haizz.. too bad u younger than me.xD
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