Monday, 20 February 2012

My thoughts

Not aiming anyone this time but just purely my thoughts.

Self-reflection is important.
Too less of it, may make you arrogant, oblivious even.
Self-worth is important.
Yet, too much of it may make you egotistic.
Having a stand on your belief is important.
But respecting other people's point of view is equally important
(Extracted from Jo's post)

It's not just me who need self reflection at some point you know.
You never respected other's opinion,
and you stand your ground that you are correct about something.
Everytime we saw someone, comments comes from you again.
"She's/ He's ugly,fat,short,shy, blah blah blah"

Who gave you the permission to say someone is ugly?
Who gave you the permission to say someone is pretty?
Who gave you the permission to judge a book by its cover?
Who gave you the permission to call someone noob?
Who gave you the permisson to call someone fat?
Tell me,
who did gave you those permissions?
Ask deep within yourself and you will realise
no one every gave you such permissions.
Not God, not your parents, not your friends.

My friends said that i have problems in accepting other's view on something,
but how different are they?
Sometimes you said you told me something,
but i forgot, and you got mad, and I'm the guilty one.
However, when you missed out what I told you,
the blame is put on me, as if i didnt notify you of anything.
Miscommunications occur in daily lifes,
Misunderstanding happens every minute.
Think before you start judging.

Calling me "Incompetence asshole" ?
Are you no different?
Some humans get mad at real trivial stuffs, and start scolding other's.
"Asshole, F***kers, Noob, Motherhen, etc etc"
Who ever gave you such permission?
You are not perfect yourself, therefore you have no right to scold others.
When you think your opinion is not accepted by others, you might want to spend few moments and think.
Did you accept theirs?
Instead of starting your curse and swears, ponder into it,
and you will realise we are no difference.

"there are also times that we are in the wrong group of people.
Life is all about trying and exploring.
You gotta keep trying to find your group and fit in.
I once was in the wrong group of people, being with them brings no happiness to me.
Hence, I left them and join the other group."
(Extracted from Winnee's post)

This is indeed something always swirling in my mind.
They are hurting me so much, why i not i just leave these friends,
joining the other side would be much happier.
Why not leave?
Personally, its because i still consider you as a friend.
I know its not gonna do me good, I know I'm gonna fail if I continue to head that direction.
But sorry, I'm born like that.
Cause I completely agree with
"Friendship is a precious thing in life"

Before I end, don't remind me saying "you also or what". I know.

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