Months of practicing and had to come to an end...
Drama competition was held at LaSalle,
Head there by bus frm school,
then kena kuarantin inside a lab.
Felt like no stress...
Then when our turn to go on stage,
stress betul...
every word our fellow comrades says were all into our brains,
and trying not to mess the drama up when its our part.
I was watching at my watch...oh no...we might go overtime...
But then all ended fine.
After that, we are free to go home, but most of us choosed to stay.
LaSalle and PPM performed excellently.
Well...u might already know who won the drama by now,
1st place LaSalle
2nd place Konvent
Phew...that was great!!!
We defeated AllSaints
And won the best actress and actor post also.
Not bad.
Everyone did great in their part!
Congratulation everyone!!

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