17th of September 2011, a night where all prefects
relax and have fun,
everyone wore their best attire, including myself.
Guys are stunning in their coats and vests and girls,
my god, they are HOT!!!
Form4 girls are no longer look like Form4 in their dresses,
especially Michelle Marcus, Lim Jia Yen, Kwan Yung Shen and many more.
relax and have fun,
everyone wore their best attire, including myself.
Guys are stunning in their coats and vests and girls,
my god, they are HOT!!!
Form4 girls are no longer look like Form4 in their dresses,
especially Michelle Marcus, Lim Jia Yen, Kwan Yung Shen and many more.

Altough at 1st hopes weren't high for everyone
when some heard about the food, the small place,
but hey, it wasn't so bad afterall. =)
Form 4 ajks had obviously put in the best they can present.
Performance roll in one after the other.
There was singing and also the ajk performance.
I'm suprised myself of them bringing back Limbo back into dinners like this,
and thats right after we had our dinner.
Annual event of the year,
Prom King and Queen this year is done by selecting 20 random prefects,
10 male and 10 females, pairing up by drawing numbers.
I was one of the lucky ones being selected and i ended up pairing with Angel.
The akwardness when we are required to walk in and do some couple sort of posing.
After some time, one by one each pair walked up to the stage and posed.
My heart thumped against my chest
as it was my 1st time holding a girl by her waist and so closely.
After everyone posed, we returned to our seats and enjoy the following performance.
I managed to record Bryan's performance and i must say,
altough he did not play those pop songs like other did, he is goooD.
Not forgetting the lucky draw part, there was a table,
where almost every one of their ticket numbers being announced.
Really lucky.
Soon, the party had to come to an end and its prize giving time.
Khor won the best attire with his full white theme.
I was usually the one sitting at the back row clapping and cheering.
However i was both shocked and overwhelmed with joy this year,
when announced that I and Angel won Prom King and Queen.
My feelings at that very moment is beyond words for me to explain.
I guess i'll end it here for now.
I'm having a feeling i'm gonna start boring readers by now.
Photos below (taken from my cam as well as from other sources =)
Cya for the next update :)